Mobile Conclusions

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Here you can download some useful white papers on MVNO including the various types of MVNOs, the role of an MVNO enabler (MVNE), a typical MVNO setup process, and many other useful resources. The downloads are FREE. Just enter your email and you will receive the document. If you want multiple white-papers, no need to refill the form many times. In the message section just mention the white papers that you would like to receive


MVNO Setup Process

We describe the various steps needed to setup your MVNO


MVNO Types

This white paper will give you information on the various MVNO type include “light”/thin” MVNOs, of “full/thick” MVNOs. We explain in clear simple terms what the differences are and we tell you the pros and cons of each approach



An MVNO Enabler helps to aggregate multiple MVNOs on their multi-tenant platform. They tend to work with only one carrier/MNO per country. Here we explore the pros and cons of MVNEs and recommend if you need one based on the type of MVNO you are planning.